Thursday 3 May 2018

The end comes...

Hi everyone!!

In this post I am going to show you my final project (artifact). Until the last moment I did not know how making my artifact, at first I thought about recording a video in which I explained a summary of the subject and its activities, then I thought to make an interactive image with but finally I decided to use a new tool known as "VideoScribe" was a bit risky because I have never used it and I have had to watch some explicit videos to learn how to use it.

VideoScribe is a tool that offers many possibilities in the edition of objects and animation, the only problem is that you can not add videos and if you want to download your designs you have to sign up and pay at least a month, if not you make the video has as background the logo of VideoScribe.  I have also used iMovie to record and add the audio of my explanation and the music is a clip that is included in the tool itself.

Next, you can see my artifact (I hope you like it):

Then, I will show a short summary about each of the activities we have done during the subject. There have been 17 activities distributed in 8 blocks (except for the first activity) which I mention one by one throughout my artifact but if you want to see them individually, I leave the links of each of them in the name of the activity.

Activity 1 - Welcome Forum

Block 1 - First things first.

Block 2 - Respect for authorship.

  • Creative Commons. I have never used this resource before, but I will always take it into account now.

Block 3 - Content Curation and disemmination

  • Twitter. Through this well-known social network among all those who went to class that day we created a Tiny Story (), it was a very fun activity because you barely had time to answer a tweet when several colleagues had already answered before. We had a great time that afternoon.

Block 4 - Think, design and present.
  • Educational Slideshows. In this activity I used an incredible tool as it is, I had met her a couple of weeks before and the truth was that I liked it worse but I did not know all the possibilities it offers. It is a super good resource, although it is somewhat complex.

Block 5 - Visualize and share.
  • Comics. The activity consisted in creating a comic in which feelings will be shown. For this activity I discovered Pixton which is a simple tool that provides many resources to make an original comic. At first I misunderstood the activity and my first comic did not meet the criteria so I had to create a second one (sincerely, I liked the latter more). The only problem I saw so much in this as in other applications to create comic is that after the time free trial if you do not pay a pack you can not do anything with the comic.
  • Mindmaps. Some time ago I had made mental maps with the iPad but never before had done with the computer and the truth is very different. For this activity I used Coogle, a tool that at first seems complicated, but when you take 5-10 minutes managing it, you verify that it is simple and intuitive.
  • Infographics. Although I had seen this resource many times, I did not know what they were called or how to do them. In order to do my infographic on the adjectives I tried and Piktochart but I could not learn to use them and I remembered that with there was also that option so I was encouraged to try it with this last tool and finally I could do my infographic how I wanted.

Block 6 - Podcast it!
  • Podcasting. For this activity, I had to first write a script in Google Docs, then I recorded my podcast through Soundcloud and finally create three music lists, one for each moment of the class, (with Souncloud too). It has been one of the activities that has cost me the most because I had to record the video 4 times because the first three times a day was going to keep it erased but it was a good experience.

Block 7 - Flip it!

Group Work
  • Storyboard a video project. The task was to create a script about the video that we would record the following week, so we had to be very clear about what we wanted to record, the materials we would need and, most importantly, what objective we had with the video. Throughout this activity we use Pixton (comic), Google Doc (script) and Twitter (share photos).

Individual Work
  • #twima8. The world is my audience. The activity consisted of recording the first personal experience as a teacher with Flipgrid. In my case, I explained my experience as an au pair in the United States because I have been working as a teacher in a school for a short time. The activity was great because I could see the experiences of classmates and know them a little more.
  • Webinar. It consisted in a seminar in which Mª Jesús explained different aspects and courses that INTEF provides to teachers free of charge and with several possibilities in terms of working time.

Block 8 - Farewell
  • Artifact. It is the penultimate work of the subject and is the one you are reading right now. That is, a summary of all those activities that we have carried out and the tools we have learned to use.
  • Goodbye Forum. It is the last activity, in it we had to choose three tools that have made us improve our digital competence and create our own meme about the subject.

Throughout the subject I have seen how I have been improving little by little in the digital competition, I have learned to use new tools and discovered that ICTs can be used in many ways. It has been a very complete subject, with many jobs that took a long time of preparation, but when I finished making them, I realized that I had learned new things and that comforted me.

I just have to thank my colleagues and my teacher Mª Jesús for teaching me so much and helping me to improve day after day with each of the works and discover a new world that I would like to continue learning every day.

I hope you have enjoyed each one of the posts!


Wednesday 2 May 2018

"Are you alright?"

Hi everybody !!

Finally I can show you the video I made together with my classmates  and that I made a small preview in the last post through the script.
You can follow us in our personal Twitter: Alba (@LaProfe_Alba), Jaime (@RayosCorner), Pedro (@peter_teachs) and Ramón (@RamonEstruch) and me (@beapf12)

Our video has finally been called "Are you alright?" And you can see it below:

It seems to be an easy job but the creation process takes many hours of dedication. In the first place, we had to distribute the functions that each one of us was going to have and make the draft so that we all knew at all times that he was going to treat the video and be able to consult the script at any time. Later we were recording each one of the clips that were going to compose the video where we had to make some modifications with respect to the first idea we had because Alba could not go where we recorded and so that she could leave we adapted her part of the clip recording through a video call and showing a current reality such as being able to assist the doctor without leaving the house simply through technology. After recording each clip I played edit, a more complicated part from my point of view and from which I commissioned with the help of Ramón. We had to learn how to handle iMovie with scenes with Croma because we had not done it before, then go editing each clip and then join them little by little along with the images we wanted to appear on the screen while Pedro was talking. We finished the video by adding the music at the beginning and end with GarageBand and iMovie.

As you can see I do not appear in the video because during the recording I was helping Jaime (recorder) to record the audio of each scene and sometimes showing the text to my teammates.

As I have already said before, my role has been that of an editor. What does it consist of? My role has been to cut out the parts of the videos that were not useful, join some scenes with others and add title, scene of credits and transitions between each of the parts that make up the video. I "made" the final video with the help of Ramón in some parts

We chose the rights of the people because we think it is a complex issue but all students should know, through this video we seek to achieve the following objectives:

  • Know human rights.
  • Know the difference between several situations where rights are present
  • Be aware that not all people enjoy the same rights due to the situations in which we find ourselves
  • Learning to work cooperatively
  • Respect the opinions of other people.
  • Use ICTs to search for information and perform work.

Honestly, at the beginning of the activity I was not sure how useful it would be for me, both personally and professionally, but as the work progressed I have seen that learning in the use of this type of tools and their use is enormous because thanks to resources like this I can show my students a thousand contents or teach them to use it so they can make mini-clips and develop their digital competence in another way. Also, I can also use it for my personal field and I love that.

In the future, I would like to use this tool in the different subjects that I teach to my students (mathematics, language, social sciences, natural sciences and religion) but mainly in the areas of Social Sciences and Natural Sciences since it is taught contents that If they are seen through videos, they are clearer and more motivating.

I think both the use of chroma and the use of tools such as iMovie and GarageBand offer a range of learning possibilities within the digital competition that motivate us to continue researching its use and also in the learning of content.

The truth that this activity has been a great adventure, I was delighted to be able to verify that I am capable of editing videos when at first I thought that it would be almost impossible for me. I will continue working with video editors because now I really want to continue learning about it and make my own videos.

Hope you like it!!


The end comes...

Hi everyone!! In this post I am going to show you my final project (artifact). Until the last moment I did not know how making my artif...