Thursday 22 March 2018

Adjectives through an infographic

Hello everyone!!!

Today, I would like to explain how we can explain the contents to the students through the Infographics. This resource is used to explain concepts or steps. What differentiates it from other resources is that it uses interactivity to expand the information and not lose the visual component, a very important aspect in the learning process.

In order to make infographics we have a wide variety of free websites that provide us with all the necessary elements (images, interactivity botnets, templates, different types of text ...) to create them with a simple learning guide.

Despite having such variety, I have found quite a lot of difficulties when doing the infographic because my initial idea was to use a new tool such as or Piktochat but in both cases I found a problem when modifying the text and adding images. In addition, they were very slow and that made it difficult for them to carry out the work at a normal pace. For these reasons, and some others, I finally decided to use, since I had previously used it to make a Slideshow.

With I have not had any kind of difficulty, it's easy, intuitive and, in addition, the wide variety of templates with which account makes it possible to design a personalized infographic.

Without any doubt, I will include this tool ( and resource (infographics) to my day to day as a teacher because I have seen that it is very useful not only for me as a teacher when explaining a content but also for students in his learning by clearly visualizing each of the aspects that comprise it.

Then, I leave the infographic that I have done on the Degrees of comparison of the adjectives, it is recommendable its use for 4th or 5th of Primary Education.

Hope you like! See you again soon here! : D

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Mind Maps in Education!

Hello friends!!

I'm here again! Today I would like to teach you how to explain the parts of an educational project through a way characterized by being very visual, practical, easy to understand and easy to perform ... This way is... the mental maps!

Mind maps help us spatially order the information, ideas, knowledge and thoughts that we are going to work on. From my point of view they are a very useful resource for students to learn in a different and visual way.

In this case, I am going to show you my mental map about the "ecosystems" project aimed at 5th grade students of Primary Education. 

In order to design this mental map I used the Coogle application. Previously I had made mental maps with the text editor of the computer and with applications directed for tablets but in the first case I had to spend a lot of time to do it and in the second they were very simple and they gave failures continuously.

In the case of Coogle, it has been easy for me to learn how to use it, not only because of the guide shown on the right hand side of the screen when you start to make the mental map but also because it is very intuitive. Although, I have to admit that the limitations of the free trial cause that you can not design as you want because many functions are limited, such as changing the color of the lines, the letter (font and placement), adding the frame to text boxes, etc. This along with the display of images that is too small in my opinion are the two aspects that I like least about Coogle.

Through the use of this source I have learned to improve in the making of mental maps and also in how the ideas should be shaped and connected to show the rest of the people the fundamental parts of the project without having to delve into it with long sentences simply with keywords.

Then, I leave the example I have done to explain the project that I said at the beginning of this post.

Hope you like it!! :D

The Ecosystem Project by Beatriz Pedrazuela with Coogle

Monday 19 March 2018

Learn with comics

Hello everyone!

Today I would like to share a new digital tool to make teaching material. In this case, it's Pixton. It's the first time I used it and I thought it was very good. My first project with Pixton has been a comic explaining a situation in which many children find themselves today.

The use of Pixton is very simple and intuitive, to be able to use it you have to register, it is free for a month but then if you want to continue using it you have to pay monthly.

Through this tool you can add any character, customize your clothes, gestures and body position. In addition, you can also change the backgrounds of each vignette individually, add text, props, audios and even links.

After having made my comic, I will use it in class with my students (5th grade), although it takes time to make each vignette, it is worth it because through this comic it is possible for many children to express how they feel sometimes or as something usual at home or at school.

So you can see my example of Pixton, then you can see the one I made:

Hope you like it!
"See" you soon!

Bea :D

Tuesday 6 March 2018 - We are what we eat

Hi everyone!!!

Today, I would like to show you a new website composed of different digital resources very useful for teachers. is a tool to create presentations, similar to PowerPoint but with animations, designs and own stickers to include in each work, thus giving a more modern touch. With this page, you can create from simple presentations to infographics through posters, timelines, documents, thematic maps and postcards, among others. For examples:

                        Infographic                      Chronology

Teaching Resource

Below is the presentation I have made about feeding with these resources and through which I have learned how to access many of the spaces that has. I chose this type of resource because I think it is the most appropriate to "start" to use Futhermore,  I add a video exposing it briefly.

An aspect that I liked a lot of is its wide offer of predesigned templates for both free and premium edition. In addition, other resources such as adding audios through Spotify and Soundcloud or photos from different social networks, internet or stored on the computer.

It seems to be a simple, intuitive and similar resource to others like PowerPoint or Prezi but it requires a lot of time of inquiry and practice to learn how it works because it has infinite possibilities. 

I spent several hours using this resource with which I have been learning something new every moment. I know it will not be the last time I use it because I still have a lot to learn about it and I would like to be able to improve little by little each job I do using it.

I hope you love to try it! 

Thank you for your visit! :D       

The end comes...

Hi everyone!! In this post I am going to show you my final project (artifact). Until the last moment I did not know how making my artif...