Thursday 26 April 2018

Webinar - Online Learning and Digital Educational Competence

Hi again, everybody!!!

Do you want to learn new ways to use digital competence but do not have time? Would you like to continue training but without having to go to class? Have you always wanted to do a gamification course, ABP or similar but are expensive and do not have money to do all those courses?

Well I bring you the solution, these weeks that I have not published anything (lately, I have a lot of work) I've been thinking how could help you improve your resume without having to go to college, studying at your own pace and, also, for free .

I found the solution in a webinar on "Online Learning and Digital Educational Competence" (online) last Tuesday thanks to one of my professors from the University who taught it and gave us the opportunity to attend.

Then I will summarize what it consisted of and all the necessary information about the different online courses offered.

The webinar was given by Maria Jesús García San Martín, Head of the Area of ​​Training in Network and Social Networks in the National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (INTEF), you can follow her on her Twitter (@mjgsm)

The session began with the speaker explaining that INTEF proposes a new path for online teacher training, which adapts to working time and the interests of learners. This new online training is known as "Aprende INTEF", María Jesús defined it as a learning puzzle because each course works in a digital competition and they join in the portfolio which would be the puzzle.

"Aprende INTEF" is composed of a wide variety of resources, it is rare that someone does not find something that suits their needs because "Aprende INTEF" is designed so that we can all continue to train.

María Jesús continued explaining each of the resources that make up this puzzle. Next, I am going to explain briefly explain each of them:

  • EduPills is an application aimed at teachers, it can be used on any digital device although it is recommended that it be used on the mobile phone or on ipad. EduPills's main objective is for teachers to develop their skills in digital competence quickly and easily. They can be done in any free time you have because they do not require more than 15-20' each pill.
  • MoocIntef consists of an open learning where collaborative work is the star element. MoocIntef provides a wide variety of online courses where, apart from developing digital skills, the professional component is also developed. The courses require an average of 5 hours per week of work, the duration of the courses varies from 4 to 5 weeks depending on the subject. Some of the courses that can be found in MoocIntef are: gasification in the classroom, virtual reality in education, project-based learning, etc.
  • NoonIntef was presented by Maria Jesus as Nano courses which have as a function the learning of mass, it lasts between 160-180 minutes each, equivalent to 1 week. These courses deal with topics of great relevance to teachers and go directly to important information such as designing a digital collaborative project, visualize thoughts and ideas, solve with creativity and even learn to program a game through applications.
  • SpoocIntef are online courses that facilitate their realization since time and rhythm is marked by each learner.

These are some of the many possibilities that INTEF provides to teachers to continue expanding their training, they are the most interesting because they are very different between them not only in topics but also in the time they entail, a very different aspect in comparison with other organizations that usually have courses of very similar duration and, in addition, do not offer them for free.

However, if you do not want to be overwhelmed with the time of work that usually leads to online courses, INTEF offers a space called "En Abierto" through which offers courses other calls that currently have no access limit / realization.

The completion of these courses does not provide an official accreditation with credit but they do give a certificate of having completed the course and a digital competition badge. The badge is very useful because it can be added to another of the resources that INTEF gives a lot of importance to is the "Portfolio" which currently does not have a recognition of punctuation and accreditation as it happens for example with the languages but, as I mention María Jesús, the date of recognition of the digital competence is not only getting closer not only in the Curriculum Vitae but also in the scores of the Public Exams.

If you want to know more about the webinar or Webathon on Digital Educational Experiences that was held last weekend (21-22 April) I invite you to access the following links through which you can listen and see all the topics that were treated more completely.

To finish, I would like to add that having attended this Webinar has helped me to know new ways to continue training as a teacher knowing that I have many possibilities to continue doing without having to pay exorbitant prices like those that can be found in many academies and / or universities. Once I finish the master that I am doing I intend to take advantage of the opportunity offered by INTEF because it seems very interesting and attractive.

I encourage you to visit the website of INTEF and do their courses, they are very interesting and I am sure that you can find one that suits your interests and needs.

I hope you liked it and the information is very useful!


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