Friday 27 April 2018

My experience in USA

Hello everybody!!

Today I would like to share with you a very special time in my life and that I will never forget, for this I will have the help of #twima8 (The World Is My Audience, 8th edition). Twima is a digital collaborative project that allows sharing with the rest of the world own experiences that may or may not be related to each other. Thanks to Twima you can learn new things, in my case from the educational field, thanks to the experiences of others, something that I love.

I recorded the video through ... Flipgrid! Yes! Here we have a new digital tool that can help us to make millions of things like videos for class, gifts, etc. In addition, it is very simple to use just need a minute to know how to use and master it easily. Something that has fallen in love with Flipgrid is that you can bond with the rest of the people, in my case with my classmates (#ictclil_urjc) who are also recording their experiences to share with everyone as you can see below...

While I was using Flipgrid I started to have some ideas on how to use it in the classroom with my students. The first option that came to my mind was to introduce Flipgrid in class so that the students will present themselves in an original way to the rest of the classmates, so would the teachers of the group but then I thought that a hastag could be created through which students throughout the course shared their experiences in school, their concerns, their achievements and even create different togs for specific topics (#torneodefutbol; #lecturadivertida, #music ...) where students could communicate and share information with the rest of students not only of the class but at the stage or center level. 

Having participated and already become part of # twima8 gives me a lot because I love telling my experiences to help other people who maybe are afraid to do something like what you have done. And see the experiences of others comfort me because sometimes we think that we are alone before some situations or that it can only happen to you but listening to others prove that almost all of us are in very similar situations.

I hope you enjoy my experience and, of course, I'll soon be back with another Flipgrid video, I'm sure of it: D


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